Renewable energy

CISL’s COP28 Week Two

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CISL’s COP28 Week Two

Shorthand Story:  nwhs6Aen84 Shorthand Story Head:  CISL’s COP28 Week Two Shorthand Story Body:  Update GST Agreement Adaptation Food and Agriculture Day Other Notable Moments CISL at COP28 CISL’s COP28 Week Two: A coalition of the hopeful The Global Stocktake (GST) outcome dominated this year’s COP28. Its crucial aim to get the world back on track…

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Department entrepreneurs garner recognition

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Department entrepreneurs garner recognition

Finalists in the competition, Mark Carrington (left) and Dr Kamil Sokowlowski (right) at the awards ceremony, courtesy Cambridge Enterprise Monday, December 11, 2023 Two members of our department made it to the finals of the Chris Abell Postdoc Business Plan competition in November. Mark Carrington, a final year PhD student who is jointly supervised by…

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CISL’s COP28 Week One

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CISL’s COP28 Week One

Shorthand Story:  DeAcqZL33l Shorthand Story Head:  CISL’s COP28 Week One Shorthand Story Body:  Context Loss and Damage Fund operationalised Global Stocktake and Fossil Fuels Global Decarbonisation Accelerator Tripling Renewables Methane also targeted Multilateral climate funds Agriculture COP’s first ever Health Day More announcements Notable reports CISL at COP28 CISL’s COP28 Week One: An unmissable opportunity…

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Custom-built molecules may lead to metal-free, air tolerant batteries

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Custom-built molecules may lead to metal-free, air tolerant batteries

Professor Dame Clare Grey and Professor Oren Scherman, courtesy Chemistry Photography Monday, December 4, 2023 In research published in Nature, scientists from the Scherman and Grey research groups demonstrate a path to batteries that do not contain rare metals and are stable in the air.  The researchers show how a ‘custom-built’ class of metal-free pyridinium…

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COP28 Briefing

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COP28 Briefing

Shorthand Story:  4patKuXNMt Shorthand Story Head:  COP28 Briefing Shorthand Story Body:  Introduction Ask 1. Phase out fossil fuels Ask 2. Take urgent 1.5 aligned action Ask 3. Nature and climate together Ask 4. Ambitious and detailed goal on adaptation Ask 5. Scale up private finance for EMDEs Ask 6. Operationalise Loss & Damage fund Ask…

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Farm hopes new biogas plant in tiny Cambs village will protect its future

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A new renewable energy plant will safeguard farming jobs and help farms to receive more stable income, the plans say

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Seminar: ‘International investment law and arbitration in the renewable energy sector – Quo Vadis?’

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In-person Seminar: 3.00 pm – 7.00 pm Seminar summary: Energy is ‘the backbone of our economies’. As part of the overall energy supply, renewable energy is more important than ever. It is an important element in the fight against climate change and is relevant in the context of Sustainable Development Goals. The years 2022 and…

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Seminar: International investment law and arbitration in the renewable energy sector – Quo Vadis?

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Seminar summary: Energy is ‘the backbone of our economies’. As part of the overall energy supply, renewable energy is more important than ever. It is an important element in the fight against climate change and is relevant in the context of Sustainable Development Goals. The years 2022 and 2023 witnessed ground-breaking…

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Life on a subantarctic island: installing a new renewable energy system at Bird Island Research Station

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Life on a subantarctic island: installing a new renewable energy system at Bird Island Research Station

British Antarctic Survey aims to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040 and decarbonise our polar research stations by 2030.  A key part of this project is to end the reliance on conventional … The post Life on a subantarctic island: installing a new renewable energy system at Bird Island Research Station appeared first on British Antarctic Survey.

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