Climate change
DRAFT AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE CAMBRIDGE PERMANENCE AND DURABILITY WORKSHOP: BRINGING SCIENCE AND CARBON MARKET POLICY TOGETHER DRAFT AGENDA AS OF JANUARY 5, 2024 Day 1: January 31 Time Element 08:30-09:00 Registration with coffee and pastries available 09:00-09:30 Setting the stage • Welcome and intros • Context for the next two days …
This lecture is a hybrid event. There is a sandwich lunch at 12.30 pm in the Old Library at the Centre. All lecture attendees welcome. Register online Lecture summary: Lecture summary: At the most recent UN Climate Change Conference in Dubai, the fight over a fossil fuel phase-out took centre stage, resulting in a decision…
Shorthand Story: nwhs6Aen84 Shorthand Story Head: CISL’s COP28 Week Two Shorthand Story Body: Update GST Agreement Adaptation Food and Agriculture Day Other Notable Moments CISL at COP28 CISL’s COP28 Week Two: A coalition of the hopeful The Global Stocktake (GST) outcome dominated this year’s COP28. Its crucial aim to get the world back on track…
Shorthand Story: DeAcqZL33l Shorthand Story Head: CISL’s COP28 Week One Shorthand Story Body: Context Loss and Damage Fund operationalised Global Stocktake and Fossil Fuels Global Decarbonisation Accelerator Tripling Renewables Methane also targeted Multilateral climate funds Agriculture COP’s first ever Health Day More announcements Notable reports CISL at COP28 CISL’s COP28 Week One: An unmissable opportunity…
Speaker: Prof. Cristiane Derani (Professor in International Economic and Environmental Law, Federal University of Santa Catarina | CEENRG Fellow, University of Cambridge) The Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance (C-EENRG) is hosting a seminar series throughout the 2023- 24 academic year…
The post The role of the soil microbiome in the colonisation of glacier forefields by Antarctic pearlwort (Colobanthus quitensis) under current and future climate change scenarios appeared first on British Antarctic Survey.
Shorthand Story: 4patKuXNMt Shorthand Story Head: COP28 Briefing Shorthand Story Body: Introduction Ask 1. Phase out fossil fuels Ask 2. Take urgent 1.5 aligned action Ask 3. Nature and climate together Ask 4. Ambitious and detailed goal on adaptation Ask 5. Scale up private finance for EMDEs Ask 6. Operationalise Loss & Damage fund Ask…
Speaker: Elisa Cencig (Norges Bank Investment Management) Cambridge 3CL invites you to a seminar on the responsible investment strategies of Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), the entity responsible for managing Norway’s government pension fund, valued at over 1 trillion US dollars. Operating in over 70 countries, NBIM is at the forefront of shaping sustainable and…