As our awareness around climate change increases, Ron Beattie discusses why low energy homes might be the answer.
Members of Extinction Rebellion Lowestoft have braved the rain to hand out fliers and flapjacks in the town centre.
Police officers from Norfolk and Suffolk are among hundreds from across the country sent to London to help deal with the Extinction Rebellion protests.
A Norwich councillor superglued himself to the street during the Extinction Rebellion protests, as nine people from the city were arrested.
Dozens of Extinction Rebellion protestors from Norwich and Norfolk are taking part in action to bring Westminster to a stand still in a bid to force the government to take urgent action on climate change.
Extinction Rebellion protesters from Norfolk have helped to bring Westminster to a halt as they demand the government takes urgent action on climate change and wildlife losses.
A new scheme to prevent residents from neighbouring counties pitching up at Cambridgeshire’s recycling centres has been launched.
A youngster from East Cambridgeshire hopes to raise awareness of climate change by plastering his hand-made posters all around the UK.