A Norwich city councillor and five other people from the city are due in court in London today after the Extinction Rebellion protests.
A Norfolk council has refused to declare a climate emergency after councillors were accused of using environmental issues as “a political football”.
Crowds flocked to scrutinise plans for a new roadside business complex and recycling centre at a public exhibition.
Coastal residents in Norfolk are at risk of becoming ‘climate refugees’ due to erosion, rising sea levels and climate change, it has been claimed.
The first image of what Norwich’s new £2.75m recycling centre, mooted to be built next to the Northern Distributor Road, could look like has been released.
Both the government and the farming industry have set ambitious “net-zero” carbon emissions targets. But what effect will climate change – and the efforts to mitigate it – have on East Anglia’s farming landscape by 2050?
A bid to ensure East Anglia is ready to capitalise on the government’s ambitious zero carbon target has been launched.
A sea change in thinking has seen the issue of climate change thrust to the very forefront of a vision for Norwich in the next 20 years.
People wishing to have their say on how Norwich addresses climate change will be forced to wait longer to do so, because of the looming general election.