Plans to transform a city centre car park into a block of flats have been approved, despite objectors raising fears over the “immediate effects” of air pollution.
A recycling project will provide new homes for birds across the region by turning old boots into nest boxes.
Recycling champions in Fenland who aim to make recycling easier than ever before have launched a new website.
East Cambridgeshire District Council is asking residents for tips on how they can reach their 2050 zero carbon emissions target.
Powers to fine drivers who leave their engines idling could be expanded as part of a push to clean up the city’s air.
Banham Zoo is to make good use of Christmas trees by recycling them to be used as animal feed and bedding.
An environmental action group is calling for double the amount of trees to be planted to tackle climate change.
Concerns over a climate emergency are making big impacts on the way people live with many looking to reduce their reliance on single-use plastic. Reporter SOPHIE WYLLIE found out what families, organisations and businesses are doing to help.