A water company boss has called for the resource to be put at the top of the climate change emergency agenda as supplies come under increasing strain.
Campaigners trying to stop the Norwich Western Link say a report stating 80pc of carbon savings through cleaner cars will be wiped out by road building, demonstrates why the scheme should be scrapped.
A Norfolk council has voted not to declare a state of climate emergency for the third time, despite the situation being compared to a “house on fire”.
A Norfolk council has adopted a new strategy to reduce its carbon emissions – but critics blasted the plans for a lack of “ambition”.
A Lowestoft-based charity is the first organisation to benefit from free solar panels as part of a council’s recently launched Renewable Energy Fund.
Every recycling centre in Norfolk should be up and running again by early next month, council bosses have said, as two further sites were reopened.
A new £2.75m recycling centre in north Norwich is set to be built next to the Northern Distributor Road, after a council agreed the proposals at a planning meeting.
The leaders of Suffolk council are being urged to create a climate emergency role at cabinet level so the issue can be addressed with greater “energy and conviction”.