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Professor Clare Grey, courtesy Gabriella Bocchetti Tuesday, June 22, 2021 Professor Clare Grey of this Department has been awarded the Körber European Science Prize 2021, worth one million euros. The prize is awarded for excellent and innovative research approaches with high application potential. Grey is one of the UK’s leading battery researchers, and is a…
Professor Aled Jones from Anglia Ruskin University says the UK economy could be one of the worst hit by climate change
Reference: Date: Fri, 06/18/2021 East Cambridgeshire District Council is continuing to show its dedication to the environment by approving their second annual Environmental and Climate Change Strategy Action Plan. The plan, which was unanimously approved at last night’s Operational Services Committee, includes the Council’s top 20 commitments for 2021/2022.
It is only a few miles from the proposed Sunnica solar farm which, at 1,130 hectares, would be the country’s largest
As governments convene for the annual Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) June 14–24, 2021, an Expert Working Group1 of leading Antarctic scientists warns that climate change is pushing this remote … The post Leading scientists warn of global impacts as Antarctic nears tipping points appeared first on British Antarctic Survey.
A workshop report published today (10 June) by 50 of the world’s leading biodiversity and climate experts states that unprecedented changes in climate and biodiversity, driven by human activities, have … The post World’s experts report on tackling biodiversity and climate change appeared first on British Antarctic Survey.
‘Unfolding’ responds to this year’s focus on global forestation, considering a future of design in relation to the climate emergency and the built environment’s contribution of nearly 40% of the world’s carbon emissions.