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Forse group members gather for litter picking Monday, December 19, 2022 Forse group PhD student Chloe Balhatchet has launched a glove recycling scheme which will help decrease the department’s carbon footprint. The distinctive purple bins Chloe overcame numerous obstacles to introduce the successful scheme to recycle Nitrile gloves, which are used in many of the…
In a discussion of a proposal to stop the University from accepting fossil fuel funding, academics disagreed over the effect it would have on academic freedoms and the impact it would have on the climate crisis
The fifth 2022-3 session of the monthly seminar run by the Cambridge Forum for Legal & Political Philosophy will take place at 3:00pm on Thursday, February 16th, through Zoom . The session will be chaired by Agnes Lindberg, who is a PhD student in the Law Faculty. As the reading for the session, she has…
A council reiterates its opposition to a giant solar farm project at a Planning Inspectorate hearing.
The newborn baby boy was discovered by staff at a recycling centre in Waterbeach, near Cambridge, last week
The Cambridge team and their artificial leaf array Thursday, December 1, 2022 A team of University of Cambridge researchers have reached the final of the EU “Fuel from the Sun” competition with their artificial leaf array which converts sunlight to solar fuel. The team, made up of researchers from the Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry…