Cambridgeshire Climate News is a not-for-profit, community news site dedicated to bringing together the latest climate-related news across Cambridgeshire. Our goal is very simple:
To share information as widely as possible so people can collaborate better to tackle the climate emergency
We believe passionately that by providing regularly-updated, locally-focused news stories that deal with climate issues, communities and institutions will be more effective in coordinating their actions to achieve rapid change.
The website has been created by Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency, an independent, non-partisan community group dedicated to tackling the climate emergency in Cambridgeshire. Stefan Haselwimmer, Director of Cambridgeshire Climate Emergency, has previously launched The Independent and Mirror websites and ran New Statesman Online for five years.
Editorial Policy
The bulk of our news coverage comes through automated content aggregation. As such we reflect the broad range of news stories covered across the region. However we are independent of any institution and endeavour to be party-politically neutral. We will therefore remove content excessively favouring or promoting one political party over others.
People in Cambridgeshire have a broad range of party political affiliations and we aim to be as inclusive as possible – to cross divides, build connections and engender a spirit of collaboration in pursuit of a common goal.
We all have to work together, regardless of party politics, to tackle the climate challenge.