Archive For July 10, 2020

Friday, 10 July 2020 Professor Sivasundaram publishes article on the need for a prehistory of Covid 19 which considers animal/human relations News Following his contribution to the History of the Now podcasts Professor Sujit Sivasundaram is publishing an article in Past and Present titled The Animal, the Human and the Prehistory of Covid-19. An abridged article can be…
A Norfolk council has voted not to declare a state of climate emergency for the third time, despite the situation being compared to a “house on fire”.
A Norfolk council has adopted a new strategy to reduce its carbon emissions – but critics blasted the plans for a lack of “ambition”.
S.M. Mendel Bindell smmb2 Sat, 07/04/2020 – 12:03 PhD Candidate in Intellectual History Doctoral thesis: “Concrete Dreams: Utopia, Ideology and the Social Power of Art” Master of Philosophy, Philosophy of Religion, Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge, 1st Class Bachelor of Arts in Religion and English Williams College, Highest Honors, cum laude PhD Candidate in…