Archive For November 11, 2019
A Norwich city councillor and five other people from the city are due in court in London today after the Extinction Rebellion protests.
Work by year 6 student Rory Braggins modelling the financial and environmental impacts of switching to more environmentally sustainable inhalers has been just been published in BMJ Open. Working with Alex Wilkinson, (British Thoracic Society) and James Smith, (Public Health and Primary Care), Rory’s work demonstrated that large scale switching to dry powder inhalers could be done…
A Norfolk council has refused to declare a climate emergency after councillors were accused of using environmental issues as “a political football”.
Crowds flocked to scrutinise plans for a new roadside business complex and recycling centre at a public exhibition.
By Shaun Hughes, Climate Leader, Hardwick Hi Climate Champions, Congratulations to _ for organising the first meeting to kickstart the Fields of Grace project on Monday 11th November (7:45 in the Community room of the Hardwick School). Who’s next? On 22nd October many of us attended the Parish Council meeting to hear a presentation for…
Coastal residents in Norfolk are at risk of becoming ‘climate refugees’ due to erosion, rising sea levels and climate change, it has been claimed.